Why all that fuzz about a burning quran? How about civil rights, climate changes, child abuse…….

Back home again, one year later

waiting for better weather or maybe better times……

fredag -bästa dagen

My chair, soon to be completed

1.000.000 refugees from Ukraine!

Ida ä dä fössta tissdan i mass.

What’s happening in Ukraine, no one interested, no comments?




Trött idag, gråvädret piggar inte upp!

Spring was in the air yesternay, snow today

Spring is in the air!

Religion and politics, a deadly combination!

Putin, Daesh, taxes increasing, climate, shootings. Life goes on


Finally, car washed!!




Too many words, too little content

Astrid, en riktig diva!


“världen blir inte bättre för att det blir sämre i Sverige”